Virtual Guest Speaker - Ja'Dayia Kursh

Syracuse Academy of Science middle school will be welcoming Ja’Dayia Kursh, also known as the ‘Classy Black Cowgirl,’ to virtually speak with its students on Wednesday, March 24th.

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science middle school will be welcoming virtual guest speaker, Ja’Dayia Kursh on Wednesday, March 24th. Ja’Dayia Kursh, also known as the ‘Classy Black Cowgirl,’ is the first Black Rodeo Queen in Arkansas’ history. She has also been featured on the Today Show, has partnered with Wrangler and is a mentor to young women around the world. Ja’Dayia will be sharing with the students about how to overcome obstacles and finding confidence within yourself. We are excited to welcome Ja’Dayia on Wednesday. This is one virtual guest speaker event you certainly don’t want to miss!

Atoms Explore their Creativity in Art Class

Elementary students practice their watercolor techniques in art class.

Friday, March 5th, 2021Paint us excited as we share that earlier this month, the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary Atoms expressed their creativity in art class. The students in kindergarten and 1st grade drew beautiful self-portraits, while the Atoms in 2nd - 4th grade experimented with color creation. They discovered how to make various shades, hues and of course new colors while using the primary colors red, yellow and blue. Keep up the great work, Atoms!

Senior Spotlight - Karl Russo

Syracuse Academy of Science high school virtually interviews members of the senior class for its bi-weekly Senior Spotlight. This next interview is with Karl Russo.

Friday, March 19th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science high school welcomes Karl Russo for its next Senior Spotlight. This future architect shares with us in our virtual interview who inspires him the most, where he sees himself in five year, favorite memory as an Atom and much more. As we get ready to shine the ‘Senior Spotlight,’ read our interview below with high school Atom, Karl Russo.

Interview with Karl Russo

  • What is one major accomplishment you had in your senior year of high school? Getting accepted to colleges I was interested in for my major.
  • What are your goals for after high school? To continue on to college and become an architect.
  • Name one person that inspires you? My Mom.
  • What advice would you give to the next senior class? Don't let your work pile up, especially the college application process! These things get harder when you have less time. 
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? I hope to be done with school completely and ready to move on to actually becoming an architect.
  • If you could have dinner with any person living or dead who would they be and why? Sylvester Stallone. I have a lot of respect for him and he's one of my favorite actors.
  • Name three traits that describe you? Hardworking, persistent, and responsible.
  • What is your favorite hobby? Gaming.
  • What is a hidden talent that no one or only a few people know about you? I know some, but not everything about video editing.
  • What is your favorite memory of SAS? Congressional award trips.

What’s March without some Atoms Madness?


Syracuse Academy of Science middle school students participated in a socially distant Dunk-Or-Treat event. Friday, March 12th, 2021As many across the country gear up for game day, the Syracuse Academy of Science middle school Atoms had a slam dunk student activity event - Dunk-or-Treat. On Friday, March 12th the Atoms hosted a socially distant event where students had an opportunity to participate in a free throw game to win prizes, families could participate in a drive-thru trunk-or treat, and vehicles were decorated in various college and university team colors and mascots. Atoms also received candy bags and blow-up basketballs. Remote learning students received Balloon Rocket kits so they would be able to participate in STEM activities from home. Everyone was game day ready, and simply put it was madness! Please click here to visit our Facebook page to view more pictures from this event. Also, please note that all basketballs were disinfected between use.

Scoot Over Winter, Spring is finally here!

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary hybrid learning Atoms enjoy a socially distant outdoor recess on an unseasonably warm day, where they played with scooters.

Thursday, March 11th, 2021Scoot over winter! Spring is here and so are the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school hybrid learning Atoms! With temperatures in the upper 60s the Atoms take full-advantage of heat and enjoy a fun socially distant activity for outdoor recess … scooters! A fun time was had by all, and we are all looking forward to having the warm weather stick around for much longer.

Elementary Atoms Participate in Science Fair Week

 Elementary Atom learns about density by combining various liquids together and watches them separate.

Thursday, February 25th, 2021In late February all the Atoms at Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school were busy at work participating in Science Fair week. The students in 4th grade were conducting their own science experiments for the science Fair. The Atoms in Kindergarten through 3rd grade were learning about the scientific method through various hands-on, minds-on science experiments using everyday household items. Some of the science experiments included:

  • Creating a bouncy egg using vinegar
  • Creating a Rainbow Milk Masterpiece using dish soap
  • Combine various liquids together and watch them separate

In conclusion, fun, excitement and learning were had by all. Please click here to visit our Facebook page to view more pictures from Science Fair Week. Great work, Atoms!

Virtual Guest Speakers

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school welcomed virtual guest speakers Mariel Mirra, Tyrone Dixon and Lucas Pettit who shared with the students their hobbies, wisdom, knowledge and career expertise.

Monday, February 22nd, 2021—Late February, and early March, Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school had the special privilege of welcoming three virtual guest speakers who shared their wisdom, knowledge, career expertise, hobbies and more with the Atoms. The virtual guest speakers included:

  • Lucas Pettit - Physician’s Assistant
  • Tyrone Dixon - Small business owner & Life Coach
  • Mariel Mirra - Design Director for the Division of Marketing and Communications at Syracuse University

Lucas shared with the Atoms why he chose the profession of a Physician's Assistant, and how he helps keep the community safe and healthy. Lucas also shared why it is important for Atoms to not only stay healthy and safe, but how they can continue to keep these practices in place for years to come.

As a Life Coach, Tyrone shared with the Atoms how they can stay positive and motivated. He also shared various presentations he has done throughout the community and gave them internal tools they need for long term success.

Atoms enjoyed a creative presentation from Mariel who shared the various responsibilities she has as a Design Director for the Division of Marketing and Communications at Syracuse University. Mariel also shared some of the design pieces she completed, and examples of how her designs were incorporated into magazines and common souvenirs that our students may have seen before. In addition, Mariel shared with the Atoms some of her hobbies such as Letterpress (she has her own printing press), and candle making (founder of Candle Company Forge Co.).

Thank you to all of our virtual guest speakers, you have all made an impact not only in the greater Syracuse community but with our students as well. We appreciate you all taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with the Atoms.

Remember When we had Feet and Feet of Snow?

Syracuse Academy of Science middle school students bundle up for outdoor recess where they enjoyed climbing the massive snow banks in the parking lot.

Thursday, February 25th, 2021We all know that Syracuse is known for its snow and for loving winter. But do you recall all that snow that we had in February? We certainly do! Late February, the Syracuse Academy of Science middle school and high school Atoms enjoyed a nice bundled up and participated in fun winter activities like climbing massive snow banks in the parking lot and building snowmen for National Honor Society's Snowman Building Contest.

Over Mid-Winter Break, the high school National Honor Society challenged students to build snowmen. Congrats to our first place winner Naomi Garcia (snowman titled Red Bull Team USA), and runner up winner Kei'Air Everson-Brown (snowman titled Lazy Tom). Please visit our Facebook page to view the winning snowmen designs.

With the weather in the 60s this past week, we are looking forward to the spring … remember to set your clocks forward one-hour for Daylight Savings time!

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Carlson

Syracuse Academy of Science shines a spotlight on high school music teacher, Ms. Carlson for its next Teacher Spotlight.

Friday, March 12th, 2021Tune those pitch pipes and strike up the band, as our next Teacher Spotlight features everyone’s favorite high school music teacher, Ms. Carlson! Ms. Carlson is a teacher of many talents, as she teaches Band, choir, guitar, piano, music theory, and general music. Check out our interview below with our high school music teacher, Ms. Carlson.

Interview with Ms. Carlson

  • What three traits define you? Life-long learner, dedicated, organized.
  • What is your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment would have to be performing all over the world, I've really seen how music can open doors across languages and cultures.
  • Best book you have ever read? I mostly read The New Yorker these days, but I love reading fiction and non-fiction of all kinds. I can't think of a specific book!
  • What is one thing you cannot resist?(food/dessert/candy/etc.) I love baking and eating baked goods of all kinds.
  • If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would they be and why? I really miss having dinner with people (outside of my immediate family) due to the pandemic! I think it would be fascinating to sit down with American composers Harry T. Burleigh and Florence Price to learn about their musical writing and challenges as musicians in the early 20th century.
  • What advice would you give to kids who are struggling at school? Set small goals every day, keep a to-do list, and cross things off as you finish them.
  • Tell us, what is something that might surprise us about you? I've lived and traveled all over the world, I speak Spanish and German.

Virtual Talent Show

Syracuse Academy of Science high school invites the Atoms to share their many talents at its virtual Talent Show on Friday, March 26th at 12:00 PM.

Friday, March 26th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science high school invites the Atoms to share their many talents at its virtual Talent Show on Friday, March 26th at 12:00 PM (Noon). Videos will be compiled and shared live via Zoom. Please see the details below for audition information and talent ideas.

Talent Ideas and Suggestions

  • Music
  • Dance
  • Art
  • Gym Challenge
  • Creative Writing
  • Theater
  • ASL Alphabet Challenge

Audition Information

Both hybrid and virtual learning students are eligible to audition for this year's virtual Talent Show. Please see the information below.

  • Hybrid Learning Students: Auditions will be held on Friday, March 19th from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Please schedule a time to audition in-person.
  • Virtual Learning Students: Audition video submissions are DUE Friday, March 19th. When creating your video submission please remember to have good lighting (not backlighting) and good sound (especially if you are singing or playing an instrument).

For more information, please contact Ms. Carlson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260