Senior Spotlight - Yhadia Wilson

Syracuse Academy of Science high school virtually interviews members of the senior class for its bi-weekly Senior Spotlight. This next interview is with Yhaida Wilson.

Friday, May 28th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science virtually interviews high school senior Yhadia Wilson for its bi-weekly Senior Spotlight. During our interview, Yhadia shares with us how she has her eyes set on making history in the medical field by becoming the first African American female neurosurgeon! This bright young Atom also mentions who is the most inspirational person in her life, favorite memory at Syracuse Academy of Science and so much more. Read our interview below with Yhadia Wilson as we get ready to shine that Senior Spotlight.

Interview with Yhadia Wilson

  • What is one major accomplishment you had in your senior year of high school? Completing College Anatomy & Physiology
  • What are your goals for after high school? I want to become one of the first African American female Neurosurgeons. (There are the only 8 in the United States)
  • Name one person that inspires you? Definitely my Mom!
  • What advice would you give to the next senior class? Don’t procrastinate!! If you can, get it done early because if you don't it will begin to pile up. Also, don’t stress the small stuff. In a few years you’ll look back & laugh at the stuff you used to stress about.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? In medical school, starting off my career.
  • If you could have dinner with any person living or dead who would they be and why? Definitely my nanna. She always gave the best advice, and had answers to any and everything. She was smart as a whip & was the most genuine person ever.
  • Name three traits that describe you? Talkative, Easygoing, and Opinionated
  • What is your favorite hobby? Listening to music.
  • What is a hidden talent that no one or only a few people know about you? I can read energies & I always can tell when something & someone is off.
  • What is your favorite memory of SAS? There’s way too many because I’ve been at Syracuse Academy of Science since 6th grade but one of my favorites is Ms. Wheeler dancing at every assembly, and always being the life of the party.

Atoms Beat the Heat with their Flexibility

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school students in the third grade beat the heat by performing their impressive moves that demonstrate their flexibility.

Friday, May 21st, 2021On a hot sunny day in Central New York, the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary students in the third grade take a quick stretch break in between class projects. To beat the heat, Atoms shared their impressive and slightly back breaking moves that will leave you with your back possibly aching. We advise to please stretch before and after if you attempt any of these flips, twists, splits and human pretzels. Very impressive, Atoms you are all certainly talented!

Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Joshua

Syracuse Academy of Science high school shines a spotlight on high school Behavioral Specialist for 11th and 12th grade students, Mr. Joshua for its next Teacher Spotlight.

Friday, May 21st, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science high school welcomes a high school teacher who has a heart of gold, loves and cares for the Atoms as if they were his own children, let us introduce Mr. Joshua! Mr. Joshua is a Behavioral Specialist for the 11th and 12th grade Atoms, and he shares with us a very encouraging message for the students, his favorite book of all time, greatest accomplishment of all time and so much more. Without further ado, scroll down below to read our virtual interview with Mr. Joshua for this week's Teacher Spotlight.

 Interview with Mr. Joshua

  • What three traits define you? I believe the three traits that define me are hope, respect and love. I believe I am a "Hope shot" to our students. Each day I come to work, I am that strength of hope our students see throughout their day. I also believe in respect. I learned over the years that it is better to be respected than liked. People may like you but not respect you. This is something I encourage our students daily, the importance of respect. I also believe in love. I have learned that when you love something you are doing... you will never work another day in your life! I love our students, and all I want from them is to see them be successful in school, and out. I just do not say I love them, I show this love in my walk daily, and in how I treat them.
  • What is your greatest accomplishment? My greatest accomplishment was helping two young men through high school, and then taking them both to college. In 2008 I was given the opportunity to adopt two teenage boys. These young men came from a group home. I was given the opportunity to bring them into my home, and assist them in graduating high school. After graduating high school, I was blessed to take these two young men off to college. You asked why this is my greatest accomplishment? Because these two young men listened to what I had to say and did something with the information.
  • Best book you have ever read? The Envy of the World: On Being A Black Man In American by Ellis Cose.
  • What is one thing you cannot resist?(food/dessert/candy/etc.) My Chunky Monkey Ice cream by Ben and Jerry.
  • If you could have dinner with one person living or dead who would they be and why? I wish I could have dinner with my mother again. My mother passed away back in 2012 from cancer. I would love to sit down while we eat and have a conversation. I would share with her everything that has gone on in my life since she has been gone. I would tell her about our students, and just enjoy seeing her face, listening to her laugh, and getting the feedback from her.
  • What advice would you give to kids who are struggling at school? I encourage students daily by telling them that I love them, and want them to be successful. I just don't say, I love them, and care about them in my words, but I also show them in my actions. I make home visits, and FaceTime our students on a daily basis because I want them to be successful. I let them know, getting their education is like a marathon! Sometimes you will find yourself getting tired. When this happens, stop and use the restroom, get you some Gatorade or water and let's get back in the race! The goal is to finish the race even when you find yourself struggling.... Never give up!
  • Tell us, what is something that might surprise us about you?  I am scared of heights ... but do not tell anyone!

High School Atoms Celebrate World Culture Day

Syracuse Academy of Science high school students, teachers, faculty and staff celebrate the cultural diversity of its school and community on World Culture Day.

Friday, May 21st, 2021Earlier this month, Syracuse Academy of Science high school students, faculty and staff had an opportunity to highlight the variety of connections they have with countries from around the world to celebrate the cultural diversity of its school and community. Students who take the subjects of A.S.L., Art, Music, P.E. and Spanish participated in class projects that highlight and celebrate country’s languages and cultures from around the world.

Today, in honor of World Culture Day, we invite you to click here to explore the Syracuse Academy of Science Language and Culture Festival interactive world map.

Atoms Combine Art & Math for Radial Symmetry

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary student examines his handmade print design that highlights the art technique of radial symmetry.

Monday, May 17th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science second grade Atoms combine two of their favorite subjects in a hands-on, minds-on printmaking activity. During this activity, students were able to explore radial symmetry, which is an art technique where you create a design that when turned looks the same from any angle. To create their designs, Atoms designed their own plate which they would then ink to make their original piece. From there, they would use that same plate to create multiple designs to add to their collection and portfolio. Keep up the great work, Atoms!

Artwork from the 6th Grade Atoms are on Point

The Syracuse Academy of Science 6th grade Atoms utilized their math and artistic skills while folding and tracing a repetitive pattern to create a colorful kaleidoscope inspired Radial drawings.

Friday, April 30th, 2021The Syracuse Academy of Science middle school students in Ms. Brett’s 6th grade art class created colorful kaleidoscope designs inspired by radical drawings that are simply on point. The Atoms have been busy learning about the artistic style of Radical Balance which occurs when elements or objects are positioned around a central point. To achieve this style, students used not only their artistic talents but their math skills, as well, as they folded and traced a repetitive pattern to create these ‘rad’ designs! Keep up the great work, Atoms.

Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school virtually welcomed Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter from the Assembly District 128 to speak and read a story to the Atoms.

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school had the privilege of virtually welcoming Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter from Assembly District 128 to speak with the Atoms. During her virtual visit, the students learned about Assemblywoman Hunter’s leadership role and involvement in the community, fun facts and stories about her dog Barkley and items in her office that she treasures dearly. In addition, Assemblywoman Hunter read to the students the story, ‘If I were President.’ Thank you, Assemblywoman Hunter for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with the students. We look forward to an in-person visit sometime in the near future.

Senior Spotlight- Jamirah Tookes-Muhammad

Syracuse Academy of Science high school virtually interviews members of the senior class for its bi-weekly Senior Spotlight. This next interview is with Jamirah Tookes-Muhammad.

Friday, May 14th, 2021Syracuse Academy of Science high school had an opportunity to virtually interview a Jamirah Tookes-Muhammad, a member of its senior class for its bi-weekly Senior Spotlight. During our interview Jamirah shares with us advice for future Atoms, goals and aspirations, her favorite memory while being an Atom at Syracuse Academy of Science and much more. As we get ready to shine the Senior Spotlight, read our interview below with high school Atom, Jamirah Tookes-Muhammad.

Interview with Jamirah Tookes-Muhammad

  • What is one major accomplishment you had in your senior year of high school? Getting through it since it has been a little difficult.
  • What are your goals for after high school? Owning some sort of business and being an OB-GYN. Then just being my best self.
  • Name one person that inspires you? My higher self.
  • What advice would you give to the next senior class? Do your work..... on time.
  • Where do you see yourself in five years? At least starting my career, already having my business up and running, probably starting my family.
  • If you could have dinner with any person living or dead who would they be and why? My late Grandparents, I would like to spend time with them because I either never met them, or I was too young to understand anything.
  • Name three traits that describe you? Caring, Loving, Charming
  • What is your favorite hobby? Writing
  • What is a hidden talent that no one or only a few people know about you? I don’t really have one.
  • What is your favorite memory of SAS? The whole 8th grade year..... it was one of my best years at Syracuse Academy of Science.

Atoms Celebrate the Marvelous Women in their Life

Syracuse Academy of Science elementary school hybrid learning Atoms share their Mother’s Day crafts and creations for the marvelous woman in their life.

Friday, May 7th, 2021In honor of Mother’s Day the Syracuse Academy of Science elementary hybrid learning Atoms expressed their creativity by crafting something special for that marvelous woman in their life. Students had an opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind flower pot, and color a card or poem that shared the many reasons why the marvelous woman in their life deserved a cheer. Students also had an opportunity to Zoom with their loved ones and share their love, gratitude and appreciation. Thank you to all the wonderful mothers and marvelous women in the Atoms’ lives, and for all that you do! We hope you all had a wonderful and happy Mother’s day. Click here to view more pictures from their celebration.

School Nurse Day 2021

In honor of National School Nurse Day, SANY would like to thank our school nurses for playing a vital role in making sure that our schools remain a safe, and healthy place where students can feel included and encouraged to learn especially during this unprecedented time in our nation's history.

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021—In honor of National School Nurse Day, Syracuse Academy of Science would like to take this moment to thank all of our school nurses for playing such a vital role not only this past school year but each and every day. These healthcare heroes make sure that our schools remain a safe, and healthy place where all students feel included and encouraged to learn especially during this unprecedented time in our nation's history. School nurses make a difference! Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and selfless commitment to the Atoms, teachers, faculty and staff. Happy School Nurse Day!


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260