5th graders learned about Mexico

Students in Miss Bittel's 5th grade social studies class have been learning about the country of Mexico. On Friday, May 20th, 2016, Miss Bittel had Mr. Francisco Valle (one of our co-teacher's father) come in and present to the students about Mexico. He spoke to them about Mexican culture, some history and geography of Mexico, Mexican food, music and clothing! He brought in chili, authentic Mexican clothing and a Mexican flag! Fun was had by all!

Wind Players from Band Club took a trip to the Palace Theater to watch Syracuse Symphoria

On Wednesday, May 18th, 2016 Ms. Farruggio took the wind players from band club to a performance by the Syracuse Symphoria at the Palace Theater. Students learned about the instruments of the orchestra, sang along to familiar songs, and truly enjoyed this musical experience. In the coming weeks members from the Syracuse Symphoria will visit SAS Middle School to talk with our band members and listen to them play.

SAS Middle School participated in Enterprise America

On May 9th through the 11th, 2016 the students of the SAS Middle School took a trip to the WCNY building on Fayette Street in Syracuse. While there, they participated in an amazing program called Enterprise America. This is an excerpt from WCNY’s website: 

Once in the city, students will apply the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and financial and civic literacy skills they have learned to run the city’s 14 businesses and City Hall. The students become business entrepreneurs and employees, consumers and citizens. They enact laws, elect a mayor and judge and decide whether or not to purchase employee medical insurance. The business owners visit the Enterprise America credit union to apply for loans to launch their “start-ups” while other students manufacture goods, such as pens, and offer services, including website design. Some students will become accountants, preparing invoices and paying bills; others will calculate energy usage in the city’s businesses and explore alternative energy sources, write stories and take photos for the city’s newspaper, and prepare orders and deliver supplies throughout the city. All the student employees will complete wellness surveys, cast votes on a real voting machine and oversee personal and business financial spending.Students were eager to participate in this endeavor. Several businesses turned a profit throughout our three days of attendance with the 5th, 6th, and 7th grades. This was our 2nd year attending this program and truly hallmarks our commitment to preparing our students for participation in a 21st century world!

Teen Center Night was FUN

On Friday, May 6th, 2016 Miss Bittel's Student Leadership Club hosted a Teen Center Night at SAS Middle School. Students played basketball in the gym, sang karaoke, danced to "Just Dance" on the Wii, watched a movie, spent time coloring and of course, enjoyed pizza, cookies and refreshments! Fun was had by all!

Middle school students created a Still Life Drawing using artificial fruit

In terms of art, form refers to objects that are 3-Dimensional, or have length, width, and height. The world we live in is made up almost entirely of forms. As artists, we must have a strong understanding of form and how to create the illusion of form in drawings and paintings.

For this assignment the students took the knowledge they learned on the Element of Form and applied that skill in creating a Still Life Drawing using artificial fruit. Each table was given seven pieces of fruit and a platter. The students were in charge of constructing a composition that was visually aesthetic. Each student then had to take the basic shape of the fruits and transform them into three-dimensional illusions using highlights, mid-tones, core shadows, cast shadows, and reflected light. The students were also asked to pay attention to the texture of the fruit separating the gritty texture of the lemons and oranges, to the fuzziness of the peach, or the smoothness of an apple or cluster of grapes.

This lesson not only teaches the students of the fundamental techniques used to create a three dimensional illusion on a two dimensional surface but it also pushes their vocabulary and refreshes the students on their knowledge of complimentary colors, use of blending, cross hatching, color layering, and use of value.

One of our very own atoms has won first place in the Anti-Litter Poster Contest

Syracuse Academy of Science is very proud to announce that one of our very own atoms has won first place in the Anti-Litter Poster Contest.

Meachem Area Parks Association sponsored an anti-litter campaign for the valley to launch in the spring. The goal was to create a poster that would restore pride in our neighborhood by encouraging people to keep our streets and green spaces clean and free of litter. 

Huda Ali, a 7th grader competed against several other school districts in the Syracuse area with a wonderful poster that promoted a strong message on helping your community stay clean.

Huda Ali won the first place prize and her poster will be reproduced and published throughout Syracuse. Syracuse Academy of Science is very proud of Huda in participating in a great contest that educates the importance of taking care of our planet, and SAS is even more proud that Huda won first place. Congratulations Huda Ali!

SAS Middle School held their 3rd Quarter Award Ceremony

On Friday, April 22nd, 2016, the SAS Middle School held their 3rd Quarter Award Ceremony. Students were recognized for their amazing efforts with awards that range from Most Improved through High Honor Roll. A special award was presented to Huda Ali for her accomplishments in Anti-Litter Poster Contest! Special to this event was the performances of the Talent Club led by Ms. Jones. This event continues to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our students! Go ATOMS!

Middle School had a trip to SkyZone Trampoline Park

On Thursday, April 21st, 2016, the Syracuse Academy of Science Middle School visited the Skyzone Trampoline Park. Students received demonstrations about a variety of physics related concepts. The wonderful staff there gave amazing presentations on concepts such as how potential and kinetic energy work and Newton’s three laws of Motion. We thank the staff for a wonderful visit!

Former Football Player Robert Drummond's visit

On Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 the SAS Middle School was visited by Mr. Robert Drummond. Mr. Drummond is a Syracuse Alumnus who had an amazing football career in the NFL with the Philadelphia Eagles as well as success with the Canadian Football League as a 4 time Grey Cup winner. He spoke to the student body about hard work, dedication, and giving back to the community. Mr. Drummond is an excellent role model for our students and we appreciate his commitment to help model the values that we hope to instill in our students here at Syracuse Academy of Science.

SAS Middle School entered into an Anti-Litter Poster Contest

On Friday, April 1st, 2016, several students from the Syracuse Academy of Science middle school entered into an Anti-Litter Poster Contest.

Meachem Area Parks Association is currently sponsoring an anti-litter campaign for the valley to launch in the spring. The goal is to restore pride in our neighborhood by encouraging people to keep our streets and green spaces clean and free of litter.

The poster had to be created on their own time without the help of adults. SAS is very pleased that students found the time to put forth effort and artistic skill on a poster design that stressed the importance of cleaning up our environment.

The winners will be selected on or before April 11, 2016. Two winning posters will be chosen, with one in each of the following grade levels: K through grade 4, and grade 5 through grade 8. Prizes will be awarded and both winning posters will be reproduced, printed and distributed for display in valley business, schools, churches and other public venues.

The Syracuse Academy of Science is very proud of their artistic atoms and are keeping their fingers crossed and wishing the best of luck to each student who participated in the Anti-Litter Poster Contest.


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260