US Veteran Speaks with 2nd Grade Students at SAS Elementary

On Thursday November 17th, SAS second graders had a visit from Mr. Schofield, a retired member of the United States Army, and his service dog, Major along with Ms. Fox from Clear Path For Veterans. Mr. Schofield and Ms. Fox discussed the process by which Major was trained to be a service dog and the great positive impact he has had on Mr. Schofield's life. They also took questions from the students and allowed Major to walk around the classroom to visit the students. Thank you so much for visiting us and also for your service to our country! 


Click here to view pictures from this event

SAS High School Performs a Murder Mystery show

On Friday, November 4th and Saturday, November 5th, 2016 SAS High School performed a murder mystery show, Jack the Ripper: Monster of Whitechapel which was a huge success. Over 20 students participated in the dramatic production ranging from 8th to 12 grade. With over 150 in attendance over two nights, the students' hard work paid off. They prepared for two months to pt on this interactive dinner show. The audience was invited to guess who the murderer was and there were some truly stellar (and ludicrously creative) answers. Congratulations to all the thespians and waiters on a job well done. Thank you to all you who came out to support the drama club. We hope to see you at the next show for more entertainment.


Click here to see pictures of Murder Mystery Show

SAS Middle School students help spearhead Operation Christmas Child

From November 1st through the 14th 2016, the SAS Middle School participated in Operation Christmas Child, which provides aid to people in need. Each November thousands of groups and individual donors prepare and collect shoe boxes filled with toys, school supplies, personal items, and other small gifts. Middle school students collected these items for boys and girls ages 2-14. On November 14th, students in Student Leadership Club packed the shoe boxes full of items for children in other countries. These boxes will then be shipped and distributed to over 100 countries through national teams of volunteers who are connected locally to the children receiving the gifts. The students who donated brought those items in to their  homeroom teacher. The club was able to make 35 shoe boxes with all of the donations. This was also a competition among homerooms, and Ms. Hutchinson's 5-A won with 225 total items! Congratulations and thank to all who participated!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #SamaritansPurse

Click here to see pictures of Operation Christmas Child

2nd Graders Visit the Betts Branch Library

On Tuesday, November 15th, 2016, the second graders took a walk across the street from the Elementary school to visit the Betts Branch Library! After listening to the read aloud from the librarian, the students were allowed a chance to pick out books to read and even take home! The students had a fun time looking through all the library has to offer!

#SASAtoms #SASCS #BettsBranchLibrary

Click here for pictures from this event

7th graders visit Rochester's 20th Annual Children's Book Festival

On Saturday, November 13th 2016,  students from the SAS Middle School attended Rochester's 20th Annual Children's Book Festival. The Festival was honored to host author Linda Sue Park and main character Salva Dut of the book "A Long Walk to Water." The session was centered around “Books change readers; readers change the world!—A celebration of the book A Long Walk to Water.”  This experience was part our NYS 7th grade ELA curriculum, we just finished reading this book as part of our unit. The book tells the true story of local immigrant Salva Dut, a former “lost boy of Sudan” and founder of Water for South Sudan, who overcame incredible odds to not only survive war in his country but to return years later and provide water to his people. Students had the opportunity meet both Linda Sue Park and Salva Dut.

Students and teachers had a chance to take many pictures with the author. The students also participated in craft activities, presentations, and they were able to meet those who write and illustrate books for children, tweens, and teens. It was a great experience for the students and they really enjoyed themselves.


Click here to see pictures of Children's Book Festival


6th graders visit the depths of Howe Cavern

On Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, 6th grade students from the SAS Middle School visited Howe Caverns. This amazing landmark, first discovered by Farmer Lester Howe, has regularly been the second most visited landmark in New York State. Students traveled over 150 feet undergroud to see the amazing limestone formations that have developed over the last two centuries. They were amazed by the many sights as they were directed by the great guides who accompanied all of the student groups. The trip was capped off by a stop to the Cavern Museum and Gift Shop! This great trip was enjoyed by all!


Click here to see the pictures of the trip

Quarterly Award Ceremony at the SAS Middle School with Special Guests!

On Friday, November 4, 2016 the SAS Middle School held its first quarterly award ceremony. This was a very special event not only because we were able to recognize the amazing achievements of our wonderful students, but we also had a special guest. Mr. John Tumino, father of one of our wonderful high school students, joined the ceremony to kick off our annual food drive. Mr. Tumino is the founder of In My Father's Kitchen, a wonderful organization that supports many people in need throughout Central New York. He spoke to our students about his efforts and one consistent message, that no one persoun should ever feel invisible and we can all contribute to preventing these tragedies. The event was kicked off my our superintendent, Dr. Hayali and was also joined by our advanced band. This was one amazing day where we recognized excellence and our ability to help others!


Click here to see the pictures of First Marking Period Award Ceremony at Middle School

Monthly OLWEUS Classroom Meeting at the Middle School

On Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016, the SAS Middle School held its monthly OLWEUS meeting. The goal of these events it to address a specific aspect that is tied to our efforts to bring bullying out of the shadows. The subject of this meeting was peer pressure. Students talked about the different forms of peer pressure what they meant. A rousing discussion took place in multiple classrooms about how peer pressure works with boys and girls. The highlight of many of the discussions detailed the students insistence that we can all exercise positive peer pressure to help our fellow students when they are down. As a team, students and teachers spoke about strategies to help deal with negative peer pressure to ensure a safe environment for everyone!


Click here to see pictures of second OLWEUS Meeting of the year

SAS 5th graders take a field trip without leaving the classroom!

On Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, the 5th grade students of the SAS Middle School had a unique experience. After some short reading in science class about the features of a river, they took a field trip! The unusual fact was that they never left the classroom! Using Google Street View and Google Expeditions VR, 5th graders visited the Colorado River, England's Thames River, the mighty  Mississippi, and the Hudson River. Tools such as these really help build and make our students learning experiences much more immersive.


Click here to see pictures of Virtual Trips

SAS Middle School holds a Mock Presidential Election

On Tuesday, November 1st, 2016, the students of the SAS Middle School participated in our mock election for the President of the United States. Each student viewed selected pieces of each candidate presenting his and her position on various issues. Students not only voted for their preferred choice to run our great nation, but they wrote constructed responses on what why they choose that candidate to be the leader of the free world. At SAS, it is our mission to prepare students to be capable responsible citizens. This activity brings one of our civic responsibilities to light. Our voices need to be heard through our votes and we want our students to be capable and knowedgeable voters when they exercise this right!


Click here to see the pictures of Mock Election


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260