Teen Center Night at #SASCS Middle School

On Friday, May 18, 2018, #SASCS Middle School students were invited to attend the last Teen Center Night event of the school year. #SASAtoms played basketball, watched a movie, played video games and sang and danced to karaoke. Pizza and drinks were included in the night as well. Students had a blast! We are proud to give students the time to be not only well-rounded students but also time to celebrate the end of the year with their friends. Go Atoms! #SASAtoms #SASCS

#SASAtoms Tour Upstate Medical University

On Thursday, May 24, 2018, the students of #SASCS toured the Upstate University Hospital and met with the President, Dr. Laraque-Arena. Her words of encouragement and exploration of the healthcare field provided students with the understanding of what is possible with clear goal setting and determination.

Corning Museum of Glass Field Trip with #SASCS Seventh-Graders

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, seventh-grade #SASAtoms traveled to the Corning Museum of Glass. While there, students viewed 3,500 years glass history; from the glass portrait of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh to contemporary sculptures crafted from the liquid sand. Students also learned the difference between glass casting and glass blowing. Lastly and most excitingly, students watched a live glass blowing demonstration. #SASCS strives to expose students to the amazing world of the arts and trips like this help with that goal. Go Atoms!  #SASAtoms #SASCS

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Congratulations to our #SASCS Middle School Dean's List Award Recipients

On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, the SAS Middle School held its Dean's List Dinner.  To qualify, each student had to achieve the high honor roll each of the first three quarters of the school year.  We were proud to have over forty students hit this achievement, nearly double of the previous year. With friends and families present, we celebrated their amazing work over dinner.  We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to next year's group being even larger. Go ATOMS! #SASCS #SASAtoms 

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#SASAtoms Visit Le Moyne College

On Tuesday, May 22, 2018, #SASCS juniors visited Le Moyne College. Thank you, Le Moyne College, for graciously hosting members of our #SASCS junior class. The campus tour, academic information session, and relevant college advice will help prepare our #SASAtoms to begin planning for their collegiate future. A Special thank you to Mr. Jim Joseph, Dr. Beth Pritts, Dr. Aparna Das, Dr. Jonathan Needleman, and Kayla Burt, for making our visit so memorable. Go Atoms! #SASAtoms #SASCS

Holocaust Survivor Shares Living Memory with #SASAtoms

On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, the textbook material came to life for #SASAtoms when Marion Blumenthal Lazan, Holocaust survivor, shared her unforgettable memoir of the devastating years she spent in Nazi Germany that shaped her childhood.
Following Hitler’s rise to power, the Blumenthal family — father, mother, Marion, and her brother, Albert — were trapped in Nazi Germany. They managed eventually to get to Holland, but soon after the Nazis occupied it. For the next six and a half years the Blumenthals were forced to live in refugee, transit, and prison camps that included Westerbork concentration camp in Holland and the notorious Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. 
Exposing our #SASAtoms to powerful living memories helps stretch their worldview and prepares them to be active, engaged citizens. 

Special Guest Speaker, Vicki Brackens, Visits 4th-Grade #SASAtoms

On Friday, May 18, 2018 #SASCS fourth-graders had the privileged of meeting Vicki Brackens, an entrepreneur and financial analyst within our community. Ms. Brackens owns a financial firm in Syracuse. Our #SASAtoms learned what a financial-analyst does and related that to what they are learning in math and their curriculum. Students quizzed Ms. Brackens about what it takes to own and operate a business, as well as what Ms. Brackens had to do to get where she is today. Ms. Brackens was kind enough to read the book, "What do you do with an Idea?" to our students. Ms. Brackens followed the reading with a thoughtful discussion about what ideas got her to her place in life today. Engaging #SASAtoms with community leaders is just one way to expand student horizons and help them succeed. Thank you, Ms. Brackens and Go Atoms! #SASAtoms #SASCS 

United States Intelligence Community visits #SASCS

On Thursday, May 11, 2018, two members of the United States Intelligence Community talked to #SASCS students about their experiences working for the United States Government. The speakers shared stories from the field and spoke to our culturally diverse #SASAtoms about the strength that comes from our students' unique heritage and background. The presentation concluded with a scenario in which the speakers asked students to participate in a mock translation event. The rich diversity of our #SASAtoms shone through and represented the following languages: Turkish, Bosnian, Nepalese, Russian, Somalian, Spanish, Vietnamese, English, and more. The agents explained the various ways students could join the Intelligence Community later in life and utilize their bilingual skills, cultural heritage, and personal strengths to succeed. Thank you, USIC, and Go Atoms! #SASCS #SASAtoms 

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3rd Annual International Fair at #SASCS Middle School

On Friday, May 11th, 2018, #SASCS middle school held their 3rd Annual International Fair. For three months #SASAtoms developed culturally relevant projects, ranging from researching traditional clothing to cooking an authentic dish. When students learn about cultures from around the world, it widens their worldview and provides an opportunity to explore their differences and similarities. Students and families enjoyed learning about other countries while eating delicious food. Diversity is one of the biggest strengths of the Syracuse Academy of Science. Go Atoms! #SASAtoms #SASCS

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Rehearsal with Symphoria and our #SASAtoms

On Friday, May 11th, 2018 the #SASCS middle school band attended a private Symphoria Rehearsal. Symphoria formed in 2012 as a musician-led cooperative orchestra, one of only two in the United States. The orchestra is in the middle of their 2017-18 performance season and is gearing up for their next concert, "A Tale as Old as Time" featuring popular Disney classics. The #SASAtoms were able to witness the rigor involved in training as a professional instrumentalist; the time, practice, and attention that goes into each performance. It was a great experience that we hope to repeat in the future. Thank you, Symphoria! 


Syracuse Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

SAS Elementary School

4837 S. Salina St. Syracuse, NY 13205
Phone: 315-469-9404
Fax: 315-469-9408

SAS Middle School

200 West High Ter. Syracuse, NY 13219
Phone: 315-487-5986
Fax: 315-487-5824

SAS High School

1001 Park Ave. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-428-8997
Fax: 315-428-9109


1409 W Genesee St. Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
SCSD Transportation: 315-435-4260